Do You Feel as Though You Should Be Talking More With Your Members?

Dave Will

October 15, 2021

Talking to individual members of your association is really time consuming. It's exhausting, too, and I know you have limited resources. We all do.

I feel like we should talk to our members as often as we can.

I ask this question because it's a conversation I've been having with people more and more, as we're trying to help make it easier for you to talk to your members.

Everyone is overworked and has a long list of things they're trying to get done. So, I often ask, where does "talking to your members" fall on the list of priorities? I'm still trying to get my arms around the answer to that question.

I think what I'm hearing from most people is that it's really important to Membership and Marketing to talk to their members, but the idea of it is overwhelming and usually falls by the wayside as a result.

With that in mind, I want you to imagine this scenario and think if it would make it all a little easier for you:

1. You have a series of check-ins with your members, not unlike this one, where you ask a question and get them talking to you.

2. Many won't answer, but many will. And of those, many will come back at you with comments, requests and questions. THIS IS GOOD, because now you've identified the few dozen people this week that you should be connecting with. BECAUSE they are already talking to you.

3. So now you have a few dozen people to talk to. Rather than calling each one, why not just respond to them via email? And what if you and a couple other people on your team all had access to the exchange?

That's the Conversational Inbox we just released last week. I'd love to show it to you.

Set up a time with me and we'll walk through it.

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