Payback your investment
with real revenue.

Lapsed member winbacks, renewals, profile updating, and event registrations: PropFuel helps associations achieve increased dues revenue and improved member engagement through smarter interactions.

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Dont Take Our Word For It

Here are real success stories from our customers.

Member Renewals


Increased renewal rate per email by over 300%, generating 180 member renewals in their first PropFuel campaign.

  • 40% clickthrough rate in first PropFuel email.
  • $36,000 revenue generated from first PropFuel email.
  • Previously sent broadcast emails via MailChimp with an average of 40-60 renewals per email.

Members Renewal

Increased overall Member Retention Rate by 7% using PropFuel.

  • Prior to using PropFuel, 80.5% of member were renewing within 1 month of their expiration date - using PropFuel has increased that to 95%.
  • Client Testimonial: "We now have 95% of our renewals happening before or within a month of expiration - saving us a ton of time and resources for bills, renewal reminders, and calls.

Lapsed Member Win-Back

Association Of Legal Administrators

ALA increased member retention from 84% to 88% after using PropFuel to renewals and lapsed member win-back.

  • Multi-part campaign to capture members' intent to renew their membership and collect insight on why they were hesitating
  • Updated iMIS records with data write-back
  • 17% average clickthrough rate across all emails

Air Force Association

Renewed 324 members within 48 hours, driving $22,700 in revenue and had 300+ requests for invoices.

  • 19.9% average clickthrough rate across a 4 email campaign
  • 80% responded they were not aware their membership had lapsed, allowing them to renew.


won back 98 lapsed members within 2 weeks, generating $15,000 in revenue.

  • Based on INCOSE's lifetime member value, 98 members will generate $200K in lifetime member revenue
  • INCOSE was previously sending mass broadcast emails to lapsed members that generated very little results.


Conference Registration

Just 3 emails through PropFuel drove $61,200 in conference registration revenue.

  • Just 3 emails through PropFuel generated over 900 clicks/replies compared to 42 clicks from 9 emails through Informz.
  • 24% of total conference registrations driven through PropFuel compared to 3% driven by Informz.

Event Registration

Generated $22,620 in event registration revenue with just 1 email in PropFuel, covering more than 2x their cost for PropFuel in less than 30 days.

  • PropFuel's 1-click response process triggered an automated workflow to register participants and collect a payment of $260 per person
  • Close to a 30% increase in total event registration

Acquisition, Engagement & Profile Building

New Member Acquisition

107 new members joined within 45 days, driving $21,400 in revenue.

  • 11,967 prospect were split into 3 separate campaigns in PropFuel (Dormant/lapsed members, guest accounts, & prospect who previously purchased CE products).
  • 717 qualified prospects expressed interest in joining the association, with 15% conversion rate.

New Member Engagement

38% of members connected within the first year for a personalized member experience.

  • 24,000 people reached, with 9,300 people responding to emails in year one.

Member Profile Building

4,500 member profiles automatically updated.

  • Writing back member profile data to AMS with automated profile data updates
  • 68 member stories captured centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Explore PropFuel's Services

PropFuel's role as your partner is about more than providing an engagement platform. We provide the services and support to guide your engagement strategy, the adoption of PropFuel across your organization and the ongoing value provided by PropFuel.

Learn About Our Services

Dont Take Our Word For It

I want to express my extreme gratitude for your assistance with the implementation of PropFuel's platform. PropFuel is a great asset to our organization and membership retention.

Elizabeth Green
Executive Director
Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists