I was working with a new PropFuel client today helping them set up their New Member Engagement Campaign. They are asking a series of questions over the first year before they're dropped into another campaign for seasoned members.
They started with "why did you join?" and went to "where are you in your career?" and 4 months into the membership, they asked a really cool question to drive volunteers. Normally, our clients would ask, "Do you want to get more involved?" and "How?" but this client came up with a much better way of asking:
First, I love how they presume that, of course, the recipient would like to get involved... They're just asking how. And yes, there's always the option to say "not at this time".
Second, I love the first option: "Tell me about volunteer opportunities." It opens the door for dialog. Of course, we can send an auto-response with more info on volunteering opportunities, but this is an invitation to reach out.
Try to find opportunities to build a stronger connection with your members like these guys did here!