May 2022 Roundtable on Continuing the Conversation

Ashley Wucher

Megan Sloan

Dave Will

Cameron Aubuchon

Sebastian Marulanda

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May 25, 2022


Dave: So we'll officially kick this off now. Welcome to this month's roundtable. The topic is continuing the conversation. I wanted to start off by saying this is not what I would consider to be the reason why people buy PropFuel, but it's a, this concept of continuing the conversation is a really strong element of PropFuel that I hope a lot of people start to or continue taking advantage of. And the reason I say I don't think it's the reason people buy PropFuel because people buy PropFuel to send questions out and to get people to answer them. Right. To be more efficient about sparking conversation with as many people as you can to lead them down a certain journey, to lead them down a certain path based on their interests. Right. New member onboarding. Why'd you join? Oh, you joined for this. Good. Then we're going to send you down this journey or. Hey, you planning on renewing? No. Well, why not? Are, are you retiring? Good. We have retirement package, you know.

So like there's, there's these journeys that based on people's intent and interests, we can send them down that path. However, goes deeper than that. By asking questions, you're also opening the door for a deeper conversation with certain individuals. And by sparking a question at scale, you're able to identify at scale, meaning you're sending it to a bunch of people all at once and getting individual answers from people. Especially when there's an open-ended element like if you're ever using Net Promoter Score and the best part about that question isn't would you recommend us or how likely would you be to recommend us? The best part of that is what could we do better? So if people answer an open ended question, now is an opportunity to continue the conversation.

So today we're going to show you a bunch of features in PropFuel. So we're going to start by showing the technical features in PropFuel that allow you to continue the conversation. But we're also going to show you some examples of how some of you guys, some of our clients are doing that. And, and then there's some things nobody's doing because it's literally brand new features that were, we just started rolling out I think last week. So uh, that's the thought process. I would love to along the way. There's gonna be a lot of us doing the talking here, but I would love to along the way hear from you what you think the opportunities are for you. If you're doing some of this stuff already, I'd love to hear that as well, but I think I'll leave it at that. This is a way to continue the conversation. It's gonna help you identify or once you identified, by asking these questions, who to talk to, what to talk to them about, and when to talk to them. Now you have the door open to talk to individuals in your membership with great precision. So that's what today's about. All right, so with that Cam, is it you or Sebastian that's going to take us through some features?

Cameron: I'm going to do the tour.

Dave: Excellent. By the way, I think we introduced some of you to Sebastian last time. Sebastian, where are you? I lost you. Here, here.

Sebastian: Hey, everyone.

Dave: There you are. Give us a little wave. So Sebastian, Cameron and Sebastian and Ryan and I all worked together at Peach New Media back in the day and we just finally recruited Sebastian to join us to help build out the technology and build the software. So he's been with us for almost a month now, I think.

Sebastian: Almost two.

Dave: Oh, my God. And he's cranking. He's cranking. So a lot of these new features you're seeing coming ours because he's on board now. All right, Cam, all yours. I'll stop talking for a few minutes.

Cameron: I'll give you five, five to 10. So yeah, I wanted to give just kind of a quick tour of the inbox. I know some of you are using it already, some of you aren't. That's totally fine. Some of you had your kickoff yesterday, so you're probably not doing anything yet, but want to give you kind of a tour of the inbox and conceptually what it's meant to be used for. And then I think this, the Client Success team is going to go through some specific use cases that they've seen, but to focus on kind of the features and functionality first. You can think of the inbox as kind of your email inbox. So it's kind of laid out very similar to like what Gmail would be, your Outlook, where you have your conversation threads and then inside those threads you're going to have messages.

But the concept here is this is a shared inbox that everyone in your organization can access. So if you're, you know, having a conversation with one of your members right now, if you're doing that yourself, that's going to be in your Outlook or in your Gmail. No one else has any visibility into that. If you only go on vacation, it's going into a. It's in a black hole. Nobody's going to going to follow up with that person for a week or two when until you come back. So all I'm going to taking the concept of that one to one back and forth, follow up that you guys are all doing manually to some extent today and bringing it into an environment where you can collaborate on it and work as a team and have a full history of your conversations with those people.

So to start with, you'll notice in the platform, so this is my contact profile page. Um, this is like the Insights page, your activity of latest answers. This is the results for a single question. But anywhere in the platform where you see an answer you'll have this button here to reply. So I'll go back to my profile here, but this is a question that I answered and there's this reply button here. So if I click on that, no matter where you're at, it'll pop up this box to create a new conversation. So this is, you know, I've in this case replied to this question that came to me over email. You see the subject line is filled in with what that email originally was from the campaign. And as an admin user I can go in here and reply to this person. So in this case this person is myself. So I can show you the end to end process but say and I now have the ability to send this to this person.

Now there's a few other kind of tips and tricks that we can do here. So by default I'm going to send this as my admin user, but I could actually send this as Dave if I wanted to, or Ryan and it'll put their signature that's configured in the platform in this email. So that's a setting that each user can set that's in your my profile here on the left hand side. The other thing you can do here that's useful is I could save this response as a template. So if I wanted to send kind of the same thing to everyone who answered a particular way, when I type out the first one, I can save that as a template and then it'll show here in the templates box and you can pick one of these and it fills in this long email so you don't have to type it multiple times.

So if I go ahead and send this, then this fires off that email and in a second here I have this email in my Gmail inbox. It's threaded to the original question that was asked. So this to them if they're using Gmail or Outlook or something that supports threads, it'll all be in the context that they got it. But I have this response here and now from this again came from Dave because I selected that in the platform. If I reply here, you'll notice the reply-to is going back into the platform. So I say, thanks, Dave. Send. When I come back in here, it'll take a second for this to come through, but it'll pop that email back into that conversation. So if I'm in my inbox here, looks like it's taking a second for that to come through. But you can kind of see the threading on these back and forth conversations. So let me find one here.

So here's the reply that somebody sent and you can kind of see the back and forth conversation as you go. So once you're in the inbox, what here's my reply just came through. So it, it's up here. I also in my inbox I got an email from the platform that said that a reply came through for me to check it out. So you can keep track of those. And the things that you can do on an individual conversation are you can assign it to people. So this conversation is assigned to me by default because I sent it. But if I needed somebody else to follow up on it, I could assign this to Dave. He'll get an email saying a conversation has been assigned to him. You can change the status. So once I do what needs to be done, I can mark that as closed.

You can also tag conversations. So I'll tag this with needs, follow up and that'll show here. And then you can also filter on those. I'll show you in a second. And the other thing we can do here is leave internal comments. So I can say, Dave can please send the thing and that'll be a comment here. Um, again, because this conversation is owned by Dave, he'll get an email in a minute or so that says that there's a comment added to that conversation. And then the last thing that I'll show you here is you can filter your inbox to be able to make sure you're staying on top of replies.

So by default it shows you conversations that have a status of open that are assigned to anybody and have any tags or no tags. But if I wanted to say, see everything that was assigned to me, then I just do that filter right there. And this is. Now these are conversations that are assigned to me that I need to deal with. You know, I could, these are open conversations. I could look at closed ones. I could look at ones that have tags. That's not going to have anything, but you can kind of get the flow here. So this allows you to kind of drill down and using things like assignments and tags, you can get pretty specific lists of conversations that are happening around a subject. So if you have like a particular event that you're doing follow ups for, you can tag those all with something related to that event and you can pretty quickly in here pull just the ones that are are part of that that group of messages.

The other thing you can do here on status so there's open and closed and we also have a third status called needs reply that we just added. So what that does is it's looking for conversations where the last message was received from your contact. So in this case, you know, they answered a question I sent out from the admin, an email they replied. So that means that I should back or close this out. So if I close it then it disappears from this list. So this is a way to kind of make sure that you're not missing anything and in always either replying or closing out things that that have come back with a response to you. So as you go through the platform again, like if you come across this question now that has a conversation attached to it instead of the reply button, you have the view conversation and that'll show you this thread and you can do everything that you can do in the inbox from here. So you could assign it, you could change status, you could tag it or you could reply and that's about it. So that's kind of the high level features. Any questions there? Before we get into kind of the more use case focus presentation?

Dave: Cam, I'll add this. We use PropFuel ourselves for client engagement which many of you have seen or will see if you haven't already. We started a new client onboarding campaign much like you guys have new member onboarding campaigns. And our goal is to provide another way to teach you things. But another thing we do is which many of you have seen and some have not yet is after you go live we have what we call a swag box campaign. And so that goes out with a couple questions including like hey, what size T shirt do you wear? And then you know, how's your experience been with us so far?

And what I love is 95% of people actually truly give me some really good input. I respond to every single person that says something there personally like directly to them. And I do that through our inbox. Now it's not thousands, right? So like you couldn't do that with thousands of people, but with a select group of people you can respond individually to people even after they comment on something that you send out through a PropFuel campaign. So I use it a lot because I think it's a really good way to connect with people one on one after kind of this big somewhat mass email.

Amy: Oh Cameron, I've seen that inbox area but never clicked on it. So that's great. But right now when I do stuff I have my email attached so I receive all of those responses through my work email, you know what you were just talking about. So is there a way I can. I guess there's no way I can turn them off coming to my work email because I can just go to PropFuel and view them.

Cameron: So I think what you're seeing is when you send out a campaign the responses like bounce backs and stuff like that that goes out. There's no way right now to feed those into the inbox. That is on our list of things we'll do is letting you choose like the inbox as the reply to for those but that those right now are still going to whatever you have set as the reply to on the campaign which would be your work email. What goes back into the inbox is if you start a conversation, reply to it, then it goes back in the inbox.

Amy: Right. Okay. I just looked and I saw them there. That's great. I never even knew that. Okay, thank you.

Cameron: Yep. And we're. The inbox is kind of a foundational thing for us. So we're going to be adding more and more ways to work with the inbox over time. So things like feeding campaign replies back in the inbox. And then another thing that we're working on right now is the ability to receive SMS's into the inbox. So you'd have a phone number for your organization. If somebody texts that number then that would go in the inbox. You can have a conversation back and forth with them over SMS in the inbox as well. So we'll will continue building out more and more functionality there. But this is the kind of version one that we have right now.

Amy: Okay, thank you.

Dave: Cam. Were there other things you're going to take us through?

Cameron: That's it. Unless you think I'm missing something.

Dave: What about the external versus internal alerts? Can you walk us through that?

Cameron: Yes, I could do that. So another way to interact with the inbox and give me a second to get this set up.

Dave: I'm thinking maybe cam the add to conversation as well.

Cameron: Yeah. So another way you can feed stuff into the inbox other than just manually replying here is we actually just released this, I think last Friday, which is why I didn't think about it, but we added an action to create a new conversation based on how someone answered. So if you have a question, um, you know where you want to say it's a renewal campaign and you want to follow up with everyone who says they're interested in renewing, the previous way you can do that and you can still do this is by sending an internal alert to your own email inbox, which then you get an email that kind of alerts you that this person needs to be followed up with.

Another option we added here is an action to create a conversation based on those answers. So in this case, you want to follow up with everyone who says, yes, I would like to renew, then I want to create a new conversation. I'm going to assign that to this person. You can choose whether you send the email notifications or not, depending on the, at the individual conversation level. So like, depending on the volume you're expecting. If you're, if this action you expect to get, you know, 10 responses that fit this criteria, then you can send notifications. If you're expecting to get hundreds, it's pretty annoying to get 100 notification emails in outlook. So you can turn the notifications off here and then you can also add a comment to attach to the conversation so you can say something like, you know, please follow up on membership renewal this person.

So if you save this here, then now every time someone answers this question, then just like your other workflows that would fire the create a conversation action. And then when you go into your inbox, you'll now have waiting for you. I think there's one here assigned to Sebastian new conversations with the comment that was generated there assigned to that person. This one's missing the question because it was a test question that's been deleted, but you'd have their response here as well, just like the other ones. So that's the action that I think will be a useful way to kind of feed more of that follow up into the inbox.

The other options you have to accomplish that are the internal and external alerts. So I think most people are familiar with the internal alert. This sends an email to someone on your team. You can put in what you want the email to say and then below it it'll have the response that was given that matched the criteria and links to edit or view the contact and view the response. So that's how you can manage it through your own email inbox rather than the. The conversational inbox in PropFuel. And the other action we just added this last week as well is an external alert.

So we've run into situations where clients wanted to tell somebody about a response that isn't an admin in PropFuel. So I think something like a chapter where you're sending out emails on behalf of a chapter. The chapter admin is the one who needs to follow up with certain requests, but they don't have access to PropFuel. So this allows you to send that alert outside of your system by just typing in the email addresses. But it works the same. So it'll send them your email. The response that was given and who gave it. It won't contain the links back into the platform because they won't be able to use those. That's how you can kind of tie that feedback loop into the campaign itself. Using actions to make sure that you're following up with the people who need to be followed up with.

Dave: Thanks, Cam. The. So the external alerts, by the way, are external to anyone you have in PropFuel. So like if you have somebody on your support team or somebody in on that represents volunteers or advocacy that doesn't have a login to PropFuel, that's another example of external. They might be on your team, but they're external to the PropFuel platform. All right, any more technical sort of feature based questions? If not, then we're going to jump into some examples. But I want to wait and pause for a second. All right, before we do, let me close the loop here. I want to show you. This is what the alert looks like. Cameron assigned me to a particular conversation. So I get this alert with the conversation information and if I want to go and respond to that, I can go in and jump straight to the conversation here where then I can reply. All right.

Cameron: Another quick note. If Dave were to respond to that email in his inbox, it would leave a comment on the conversation. So that's another way you can interact directly through email there.

Dave: Alrighty with that. Melissa, Ashley, Megan, who's grabbing the reins from here to show some examples of how people are using this. Is it me? I hope it's not me. I don't have those examples.

Megan: I can start off with the internal and external alerts.

Dave: Sounds good. Do you. You want me to share the screen or is one of you guys going to share the screen to jump into the Google Doc thing? Melissa, are you trying to say something? I see you.I can't tell no. Okay. All right. I couldn't tell if you were trying to. So who's sharing the the Google Doc here?

Megan: I could share. I could share as I talk.

Dave: All right, all yours. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the show.

Megan: Awesome. So Cam, Cameron and Dave went over some great examples of the internal and external notifications what they are. And just as a reminder, you know it sends an email to someone internal on your team or someone outside of it. So I just am going to go over some use cases that we've seen for clients. Internal uses sort of when somebody answers an open ended question, usually somebody's giving you something good that you need to know and that you may need to act on and you'll want to know about that immediately when somebody gives you a low satisfaction rate. So so if you send out an NPS and they are a detractor, you might want to be alerted to that immediately internally on your staff so then you can reach out to them or act on it.

Another thing is if they say something specific like yes I need help with something or yes I want to register, you may then need to do further action in another system or reach out to them. So that is a good use case to internally alert someone on your team. Now since we just started with external alerts, I don't think any clients have implemented them yet, but we have some great ideas for use cases especially if you need board members to reach out to dissatisfied members. I've seen that happen with some associations where they have board members put to use and have them reach out and make that connection with those dissatisfied members. Another great use case Cam mentioned was about volunteers. So if an email is sent or chapter leaders, I mean if an email is sent on behalf of a chapter, we can send an external alert to someone on that chapter who can then follow up with them.

And then lastly another example is if you have a membership committee who is working on something and they send out a campaign, you can alert them as well if they need to reach out to any members. So that's a quick a high level use cases. Do you have any questions or are there any ideas of what you could use this for?

Dave: Megan, one other thought here is it's easy when you have an open ended option to a question which you don't want to do every time, right? But there's going to be a lot of times where you want to capture what I refer to as the voice of the member you want to capture the voice of the member in this open-ended question. Sometimes the questions are very open-ended, like what could we do better? Other times they're more specific, like what's your alternate email address? Right. But it's always stunning to me how people see this as an opportunity, which it is, to ask you something or comment on something that really doesn't have anything to do with the email or the question. And so that's why whenever there's open ended comments, I strongly consider sending an alert to the person that should be seeing them. Now, if there's going to be a lot, then you have to make a mental note that I need to go back into the, back into that campaign to monitor them, look at them and respond to the ones that are, that are that I really need to respond to.

But I can't tell you how often I see members asking questions like, I lost my invoice, can you send it to me? Or I never got the invoice, can you send it to me? And if you guys aren't watching and reading those or alerted to those, you're missing out on some pretty important conversations that you need to continue on with your members. So these alerts are good ways of monitoring that stuff. But if there's a lot of them, it's gonna, it's gonna pile up. And that's the value of the other feature that Cameron pointed out, which I think we'll show you as well, which is start a conversation. Megan, can you go up one slide right before this? So here's a couple of the examples. This was the response notifications. Megan, Ashley and Melissa are going to take you through four other use cases for continuing the conversation. And so these are the five use cases that they're going to give you examples of right now. All right, so any other questions about response notifications or internal, external alerts?

Melissa: Nicole? I love that use case that she just put in the chat. It's just like Chef's kiss. Perfection.

Dave: Chef's kiss. I'm going to read it out loud because I. So we do it. We do an afternoon on the Hill each year and there are always people who are nervous about meeting with their legislators. This year we did a promotional campaign through PropFuel where one of the selections was, I'm nervous about attending and would like to talk to somebody about the event, someone about the event. I use the alerts to share that selection with our volunteer advocacy director. And being able to have the alert sent directly to her, her will be so super helpful. Cool. So then she'll know obviously to pick up the phone or schedule a meeting, which could be done, of course, right through PropFuel. So another alternative use way to do that would be start a conversation as a mechanism as opposed to send an external alert or internal alert. Well, no, I don't. You can't start a conversation with an external alert. I misspoke there. All right, what's next?

Ashley: Awesome. I think that's me. So another really great way to continue the conversation is to ask a question in PropFuel and then based on what somebody tells you, write that data back. Either you're writing it back in the very kind of the easiest form, which is to your AMS so that you have information about what that person cares about for later, or you could even write it back to your marketing automation system so that you're then putting people into marketing automation campaigns and continuing that conversation later. TESOL actually does a really good job of this. And so it's really fitting that I chose a conference campaign because we're all in conference season right now and TESOL asked a really simple question which is are you planning to attend the conference? And theirs is still virtually and in person. And so if somebody said yeah, I'll be planning in person or attending in person, but they didn't actually register for the in person portion, then they're dropping them into an Informz campaign so that they can continue that conversation later and talk to them only about the in person conference versus somebody who said virtually. They're pushing them to that virtual information. So it's just a really nice way to kind of pick up that conversation later and, and tailor it to what they've said.

Dave: So forgive me if you commented on this, Ashley, I was just checking on something else, but Amy, something that we had talked about at ASAE, so Amy Hempfel commented earlier, but something that I don't think we've turned this on yet. But when in the beginning of your new member onboarding you ask the question what's a goal you have this year? And one of the options is to get my CAE. So rather than although we can write it back to marketing automation systems like HubSpot or whatever, Amy sends that over to another campaign within PropFuel that she calls a nurturing campaign for CAE. And then it there's a six month pause, meaning wait six months and then send out this question and says, so how you doing on your CAE? So anyway, that's the idea of writing back or segmenting your marketing messages isn't limited to sending it out to something. You can still do that within PropFuel as well. Yep.

Ashley: And actually, Megan, if you go to the next slide, Dave, you read my mind. Yeah.

Dave: All right. Sorry about that.

Ashley: No, no, you're good. So nurture campaigns is another good way to continue that conversation. So like Dave said, a really good use case is what ASAE does where, you know, it's great to like Amanda put in the chat. It's great to, you know, go out to your members when they first join or even throughout the year and ask them questions about what they care about. But it's what you do with that information later that really is going to have a profound impact on them. So, you know, they asked them early on what they care about. If they said CAE, then they're coming back to them a few months later and saying, hey, how's it going? You told us that you care about CAE, you know, how can we help? So that member really feels like, hey, you know me, you understand what I care about this year. So that's a really good use case.

Another one is TIA has a really great campaign. It's a prospect campaign, so an acquisition campaign. And they're asking many different ways, you know, hey, do you want to join? Or you know, what do you care about? And then they're pointing them to information about how they can kind of engage with what they care about as a member if they join. And after a few check-ins, they, you know, and Melissa can talk to this a little bit more too. But after a few check-ins, at some point, you know, if they still haven't joined, maybe it's time just ask them, hey, is a membership even valuable to you? And if they say yes, then great, put them into another campaign where you can kind of nurture them a little bit more. If they say no, maybe you're going to do something else with them. But that's a really good way. At the end of an acquisition campaign, if they still haven't taken action, just ask them if it's valuable for them and then put them into a nurture campaign so that you can over time build that relationship with them.

Melissa: I personally love nurture campaigns just because it lets you talk to those people as if they've actually responded to you, which they have. So like, if they've said yes, they're interested in joining. If they've said yes, I'm interested in coming to the conference. If they've told you something, talk to them like they've actually told you something because they have so with acquisition campaigns is great conference registration. I mean renewals, there's so many great use cases where if someone says yes, I plan on joining yes, I plan on renewing whatever. You can remove them from that main campaign where the intent of that campaign is to just find out what their intent is. And then if they say yes, put them in a nurture campaign that talks to them like, hey, we're so glad you plan on continuing. Noticed you haven't gotten around to it yet. Can I help you in any way? How would you like your invoice? Ask like more customized questions because they've told you yes.

Dave: Awesome.

Melissa: If anyone's done some cool nurture campaigns, put that in chat too because I love hearing new ideas of new nurture campaigns either maybe in PropFuel or out. It could be something that's nurturing and informs or in another system. Cool. Okay, so I'm going to cover the next couple of things here and feel free to put some ideas in chat. I think that's great. But we'll stop talking in a couple minutes. So the next thing I wanted to talk about is building lists. I personally love nurture campaigns. When you plan for them. So you're in the middle of a renewal campaign, you're building a renewal campaign. You're like, I know that if someone says yes, I want to follow. You know, I want to pull them into a nurture campaign at that moment. That's great. Sometimes we realize that after the fact. So we realize like, oh, it would have been really good to follow up with those people or to even find out who responded in a particular way. And so building a list is really, really great for finding out who responded in a certain way. Even if it's across multiple check-ins. Like say your renewal campaign has four or five check-ins and there are multiple opportunities for someone to say yes. You can pull that all together in a list. You can see who took action by comparing it against the data you have in your connectors. Any other if you've connected your AMS or connected to your marketing system, we can slice and dice that data in there.

And then you can also use that list to fire an action and do something with it, like add them to a campaign or remove them from another campaign. And so something I like to do proactively and encourage my clients to do is if you know you're going to build a list based on something, you can use the tags feature. So I was just talking with a client this morning and they have tags on certain responses that like includes intends on renewing. So that way it's really easy to pull that list together and not just cobble it together, which you could do. Saves a couple clicks. So if you. Megan, go to the next slide here. I just pulled in a use case example of client wanted to find out, okay, who renewed and who didn't renew online based on the renewal campaign. So they built a compound list that says, okay, who said that they plan on renewing online, but their expiration date would be such that they haven't actually done it yet. So this is a great way to be able to sort of combine the data between what's in your other systems and their responses and PropFuel and pull it together and figure out what your next steps are. Any questions on that before I move to my very last thing.

Susan: So then when would it be too late if you didn't do this when you set it up, you said like, you need to plan for this. If you didn't plan for us, can you still use this data?

Melissa: Oh, so I'm sorry if I made that confusing. So if you nurture campaign is a really, really great tool to or you're building a campaign based on how people respond. So if someone says yes, they plan on renewing, you can have an action that says remove them from this campaign and add them to this nurture campaign. But at any point you can also build a list. So you can build a list based on how people replied or whether they've taken that action or not, whether they're still in a campaign or not. So you can always build a list, you can always build a nurture campaign. But in my mind, usually like after the fact, if you're like, did people renew? Like who didn't renew yet or who did take this action or who expressed this intent is a really great use case for a list reporting to your board, like, oh, I need to find out how many people did the thing that we said we were going to do. Cool.

So my next thing here is what Cameron had covered. So I'm going to breeze through this really fast with the conversational inbox and I often get the question from clients of when do I use the inbox and when should I just use my own Outlook or Gmail? Because everyone has their own Outlook in Gmail. So I figured it might be helpful to throw together like a couple bullet points of when you're going to want to use the conversational inbox versus using your own personal Outlook, Gmail, you know, your business personal. But so my first use case here is if we're applying as a shared responsibility so you could use a membership at or an events at email address. Perfectly fine. But it's really helpful in PropFuel when you have more than one person that's going to take care of that where you want to know what's going on with the back and forth.

So maybe you're a membership team that doesn't want to use a membership at email because you want that reply to actually come from a person, but you want your entire team to be able to see when someone replied, how they replied. It's a great use case for the inbox and you can also take notes and collaborate on a reply so you can have those internal alerts or internal notices going back and forth to chat about it. It's also great for being able to track open ended responses and tagging it to that person's record instead of it just living in the universe of your inbox. And I don't know about your Outlook inboxes, but mine's a mess so being able to keep that organized is great. Also to my fourth point here, if you like visual to-do lists, having that filter that says like what needs a reply is super, super helpful.

And then the other point here, we're heading into summer and people are going to want to take time off. But I don't know about you. Like I feel bad when I'm like oh shoot, I'm going to be taking some time off. People might get my out of office message or something else might be going on. I don't want to have to monitor on my vacation. And I'm positive you guys should be taking time off too so you can have someone else reply on your behalf. If it's things that are in the inbox about your renewal, for example, your membership renewal, someone else can pretend to be you for a week. No one will know the difference. And I think that's great. So if we go to the next slide here.

Dave: Actually can I can I just add something to that? I think when to use the inbox and PropFuel versus your own Outlook I used to use, well I don't use Outlook, but I used to use Gmail and so I'd in order to provide context to what I was talking to somebody about, I'd have to go into PropFuel, copy the question or copy their answer or their comment, put it into my Gmail and then say hey, we asked your question. This was your response, here's mine. In the inbox is just so much easier. Just hit reply and it includes like it just replies including the history of that string so they can easily see what you're replying to. It's just way easier in my opinion. I can't think of a scenario really where you would use your own email once you see this and once you get used to replying to people through this, this here in this platform, it's just way easier.

Melissa: Totally agree.

Susan: Definitely use this. We did a. Ashley helped us make a great member renewal campaign that was just crazily successful and we did not know that was going to happen. And so our membership manager did get really slammed. We were almost laughing like there was so many responses coming in. We're like oh my gosh, this is crazy. So we're definitely going to do that next year just for her nerves and then just to promote that like you know, did who's responded, what did they say? And that's just great. I like it.

Dave: Oh that's nice to hear. I, I love hearing that we've overwhelmed you with work, with good work. But it's, it reminds me that I don't know if it's FedEx but like one of the shipping companies commercials where like a startup is, is putting something online for the first time and they get a sale and they're all psyched and then they get a second one and they're psyched and next thing you know they're like they're coming in in hordes and now they're starting to get a little nervous. Yeah, it's. I keep telling people this stuff just works. Not every single time. Sometimes it's like it's just odd when it doesn't. It just works most of the time. All right, sorry Melissa, what do you got here?

Melissa: No, you're good. My last slide Megan, if you move past because I think Cameron's done a great job of covering all this stuff is I wanted to show a couple of examples and I got permission from NQF who's one of my clients to show some examples of what they've done with the conversational inbox. It sounds like a lot of you guys are using it too. So both for this first example was there was an open ended reply to an NPS question like what are they doing great. This person gave a 9 or a 10 and so they gave some open ended feedback of what ways they found membership valuable and so their membership director then replied back saying oh this is so great. Wanted to see is it okay if we use this for a testimonial and that member was able to reply back. Absolutely it is. So you're able to keep those conversations in there.

And then my second example on the right is there were times where if someone says that they need help keeping that in PropFuel is really helpful. So you can see Brian here on the right reply back to someone that had said yes, I need help with my invoice with a link that said here you go, your invoice is here at this link. Let us know if you need anything. And so I thought those are some great use cases on a couple of membership related campaigns where they're using the inbox and then there's transparency across the entire membership team who's replying to what, where, why and how it's stored within PropFuel. That's all I got.

Dave: All right, thank you guys. So now it's up to you guys. I see. I think if there's anything you'd like to comment on, any questions you have about continuing the conversation, any ideas you have based on what we told you that we didn't cover. Would love to hear some things that ideas that this might have sparked. But I'm also seeing in the chat some talk about trial memberships. Both Amy at ASAE and Amy, I just, just looking at that one, that one is doing awesome.

Amy: Like yes, I just looked at it too. I it's doing better than last year. We started this last year we didn't get many bites but this year we put it out yesterday at like 8am. By 9:30 we had about 30 people that said yes, sign me up. And I think we're over 60 now.

Dave: You're in the 70s? Yeah. You're like really?

Amy: That's great.

Dave: Yeah, it's awesome. And then somebody else said the same thing.

Amy: Well, somebody. I don't know who this is but WSCA said we love using PropFuel for our online learning registrations. Can they talk about what they're doing there with that?

WSCA: Yeah, hi, sorry, I had my video turned off there briefly. Yeah, we do like monthly online learning like webinars that are available only to members. So I mean kind of taking the tips right from PropFuel and how they sign us up for these types of events we just send out to, you know, we use the filter to send it to all active members since it's a member benefit. And then you know, just talk a little bit about the session coming up and then just ask them will you be there or no, I'll just send me the recording or they're not interested. We do go to like an external embed if they say they're not interested so that they could tell us like why this might not be the right category for them or if they have other ideas of different topics we could share. But it's just that extra hands off way. And then anybody who responds, you know, we put the Zoom link and add to calendar link right in an email and on the landing page when they click either yes or send me the recording and then the day before and the day of, I'm able to send out easy kind of like reminders like hey, this is starting in an hour. Here's your Zoom link kind of thing to anyone who we have on that list. So it makes it really slick and easy.

Amy: Thanks.

Dave: Yeah, this is the one I saw earlier from Amanda at American Society for, sorry, International Society of Automation. Did I get that right, Amanda? Yeah, thank you, International Society. And she's saying which the brand new. And you guys just had this awesome campaign just go live. So you said we're moving single email warm lead membership campaign. So that's like a conversion, right? A member acquisition campaign.

Amanda: They're warm leads that we're trying to move to PropFuel to make it kind of more engaging for the membership or our hopeful future members as a way to kind of show them everything ISA can do for them. And we're trying to figure out what questions we want to ask and when we should start, you know, cycling this in.

Dave: Any thoughts from the PropFuel team or anyone else for that matter?

Amy: I really don't know the concept. I really don't know what was just said.

Dave: I think you're referring to new member acquisition. So they've got a bunch of people that where did the warm leads come from?

Amanda: From webinars and events. We always ask them when they register, do you want to hear more from our membership department? And currently they get a single email and that's it. That's all they get. So we're trying to develop a more holistic approach to kind of show them everything that we offer.

Ashley: Yeah, I'm glad you said that. My first thought is always it really depends where your leads are coming from. But when they're coming from a webinar or an event, you want to make sure that you're sending it within like a week or two usually of when they've attended. And then the most important part is like everything in PropFuel is connecting it to that event that they were at. Right. So that you're not just asking, hey, are you interested in joining? Hey, do you want to join? You're asking things like, you know, why did you attend? And then you can sandwich that with other check-ins that are okay, are you interested in joining? And then going back to the okay, you know, now why are you hesitating to join? So making it make sense to why they attended the event.

Melissa: Love that. And there's, I feel like there's a lot of people building acquisition campaigns right now, so maybe this is our next roundtable. Just throwing it out there. I love to just thinking about when you're building a campaign, like what would you actually say to that person? Like you wouldn't like randomly go up to people and be like, want to join? It's just weird, right? So thinking about this like you would an in person conversation exactly as Ashley said of if they came to the event, that's the source. Talk to them like they came to the event because they actually did. Hey, what you love about it, what else can we help you with? Like what are these topics are keeping you up at night and then make that connection between their wants, needs, desires, who they are as a person with, then with how you can help them by being a part of this community so that it's not just like a checkbox like do you want to join? Yes, no.

But part of a process of getting to know that person and matching that person with what they're going to most benefit from. Because not in every case will it be membership. It's great when it's membership, but there's tons of other revenue opportunities too. So finding that connection with that person is what I think PropFuel’s really good about. Asking questions, getting to know that person and then you know, am I putting them in a nurture campaign about membership? Am I putting them in a nurture campaign to sign up for an online course or some sort of certification? And that's through the automated processes that you can do with PropFuel.

Dave: All right, I'm going to stop the recording but then I want to stick around because I have a couple questions for you guys.