You're the most interesting person I've ever met...

April 5, 2019

Yeah. How cool is that? Apparently, I'm the most interesting person this woman has ever met.

I was on a flight recently and sat next to a woman. Because I'm a lover and not a fighter, I said hello and asked her a rather meaningless question to show her I was friendly and not a risk to her well being.

She entertained me with an answer and I followed up with another sincere question. I was intrigued and wanted to know more... I continued to ask her questions and at the end of the rather short flight, the "ding" sounded alerting us that we were at the gate safely. As we unbuckled she turned to me with a big smile and said, "This was so much fun. You're the most interesting person." (I added the "I've ever met" for a little more drama)

HA! That made me smile. So funny. I don't think I told her one thing about me and she found me interesting. How is that?

Here's how... People want to be heard. People like to have a voice. And when you let them. When you ask them questions, they actually become more connected to you! Because you're listening.

That's undeniable. It's proven by NASA.

So consider this when you engage your team, or your customers or even more so for associations who are trying to engage members.

Ask more questions. Let them have a voice. Give them them mic. And you might just be surprised at how connected they begin to feel.I'd love to show you how PropFuel can give your team, your customers and your members a voice. Take a look, set up a time to see a demo with me.

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